PIE LTER water-column nutrient and particulate transects along the Parker River Estuary, Massachusetts, 1994 - 2019.


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Water chemistry including nutrient concentrations for various forms of N, P, C, as well as suspended sediments and light extinction coefficients, was determined from bi-annual nutrient transects along the Plum Island Sound estuary from the Parker River Dam to the mouth of the sound.  Grab samples were taken at 11 sites along a 24 km transect from the mouth of the estuary to as near the dam at the head of the estuary as poosible.  These samples have generally been collected in Spring and Fall and are done in conjunction with metabolism transects measuring dissolved oxygen levels.  The Spring and Fall transects correspond to the high-flow, pre-growth season and the low-flow, post-growth season, respectively.

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EML revision ID: 

Published on EDI/LTER Data Portal

Citation Suggestion: 

Hopkinson, C., Weston, N., 2022. PIE LTER water-column nutrient and particulate transects along the Parker River Estuary, Massachusetts, 1994 - 2019. Environmental Data Initiative. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/97a816c48ce6edefc78ad9c731a7817a