Data Catalog by Research Area

98 matching data sets (displaying 51 - 75)
Title of Dataset Core Areas PIE Research Areas Publication Date
PIE LTER measurements of the two tallest Phragmites australis stems per five meter interval along transects at the Argilla Rd. salt marsh restoration site (Ipswich, MA) and Rough Meadows reference marsh (Rowley, MA – Stackyard Road area). Primary Production Marsh, Long Term Experiments 2021-01-28
PIE LTER plant biomass associated with marsh sites used in space for time sea level rise study, Rowley, MA. Primary Production, Population Dynamics Consumers, Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Space for Time 2020-02-04
PIE LTER quadrat percent cover associated with marsh sites used in space for time sea level rise study, Rowley, MA. Primary Production, Population Dynamics Consumers, Marsh, Space for Time 2021-12-09
PIE LTER salt marsh vegetation cover data from regularly monitored quadrats along transects in Rowley, MA. Primary Production, Organic Matter, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Marsh Detritus Removal 2021-03-16
PIE LTER salt marsh vegetation frequency of occurrence from regularly monitored transects in Rowley, MA Primary Production, Organic Matter, Population Dynamics Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Marsh Detritus Removal 2021-03-22
PIE LTER salt marsh vegetation zones along transects in Rowley, MA Primary Production, Population Dynamics Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Marsh Detritus Removal 2021-07-29
PIE LTER study of marsh vegetation percent cover and biomass at the end of the growing season at Greenwood Creek, Ipswich, MA effluent enrichment and Clubhead Creek, Rowley, MA reference sites Primary Production, Organic Matter, Inorganic Nutrients, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Long Term Experiments, Marsh Fertilization - Greenwood Creek 2004-02-04
PIE LTER study of marsh vegetation percent cover at Greenwood Creek, Ipswich, MA effluent enrichment and Clubhead Creek, Rowley, MA reference sites Primary Production, Inorganic Nutrients, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Long Term Experiments, Marsh Fertilization - Greenwood Creek 2004-02-04
PIE LTER transects of the Parker River Plum Island Sound Estuary, Massachusetts conducted at dawn and dusk, containing dissolved oxygen, conductivity, temperature, percent saturation, pH, DIC and pCO2 data. Primary Production, Organic Matter, Disturbance Estuary Water Column 2020-04-16
PIE LTER water-column nutrient and particulate transects along the Parker River Estuary, Massachusetts, 1994 - 2019. Primary Production, Organic Matter, Inorganic Nutrients Estuary Water Column 2022-03-14
PIE LTER water-column nutrient and particulate transects along the Rowley River Estuary, Massachusetts, 2017-2019 Primary Production, Organic Matter, Inorganic Nutrients Estuary Water Column 2022-03-14
PIE LTER, geographic information for the transects that were set up to study the impacts on the salt marsh vegetation of nutrient enrichment from the Ipswich Wastewater Treatment Facility on Greenwood Creek in Ipswich, MA. Primary Production, Inorganic Nutrients, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Long Term Experiments, Marsh Fertilization - Greenwood Creek 2021-01-19
PIE LTER, Year 2017, 15 minute interval, water quality measurements of water column temperature, salinity, oxygen, and depth near the mouth of Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts Primary Production, Organic Matter, Disturbance Estuary Water Column 2018-02-02
PIE LTER, Year 2018, 15 minute interval, water quality measurements of water column temperature, salinity, oxygen, and depth near the mouth of Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts Primary Production, Organic Matter, Disturbance Estuary Water Column 2019-01-03
PIE LTER, Year 2019, 15 minute interval, water quality measurements of water column temperature, salinity, oxygen, and depth near the mouth of Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts Primary Production, Organic Matter, Disturbance Estuary Water Column 2021-01-12
PIE LTER, Year 2020, 15 minute interval, water quality measurements of water column temperature, salinity, oxygen, and depth near the mouth of Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts Primary Production, Organic Matter Estuary Water Column 2021-09-07
Plant heights at control and fertilized plots in a Spartina alterniflora-dominated marsh, Rowley River, Plum Island Ecosystem LTER, MA. Primary Production, Inorganic Nutrients Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Marsh Fertilization - Plot Level 2021-11-10
Presence or absence of marsh plant species along transects through a nutrient enriched marsh receiving wastewater effluent and a reference (unenriched) marsh, Plum Island Ecosystems LTER. Primary Production, Inorganic Nutrients, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Long Term Experiments, Marsh Fertilization - Greenwood Creek 2019-06-19
Sediment chlorophyll-a, pheophytin, biogenic silica, and carbohydrate content (EPS) from the Rowley River mudflat in September 2012, Rowley, MA Primary Production, Inorganic Nutrients Benthic Processes, Short Term Projects 2015-12-12
Stables isotopes of organisms along a transect from the Greenwood Creek outfall pipe to the Ipswich River, Ipswich, MA, Plum Island Ecosystems LTER Primary Production, Inorganic Nutrients, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Consumers, Long Term Experiments, Marsh Fertilization - Greenwood Creek 2019-06-13
The stations used for counting birds in hayed salt marsh vs reference salt marsh sites, Rowley, MA, PIE LTER. Primary Production, Organic Matter, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Consumers, Long Term Experiments, Marsh Detritus Removal 2019-08-02
Transects of the Rowley River, Plum Island Sound Estuary, Massachusetts conducted at dawn and dusk, containing dissolved oxygen, conductivity, temperature, percent saturation, pH, DIC and pCO2 data, PIE LTER Primary Production, Organic Matter Estuary Water Column 2022-03-22
Water column chlorophyll concentrations associated with clam flat surveys during year 2010 in the Plum Island Sound estuary, Newbury, Rowley and Ipswich, MA. Primary Production Consumers 2015-01-01
Water samples collected for dissolved inorganic carbon and nutrient analysis during tidal creek lateral exchange measurements approximately every 15 minutes from beginning of flood tide to the following low tide, Rowley, MA, PIE LTER. Primary Production, Organic Matter, Inorganic Nutrients Estuary Water Column, Long Term Experiments, Space for Time 2020-05-05
Water-column conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and pH by deployed sonde during tidal creek lateral exchange measurements approximately every 5 minutes from beginning of flood tide to the following low tide, Rowley, MA, PIE LTER. Primary Production Estuary Water Column, Long Term Experiments, Space for Time 2020-05-12
