Data Catalog by Research Area

568 matching data sets (displaying 276 - 300)
Title of Dataset Core Areas PIE Research Areas Publication Date
PIE LTER eddy flux measurements during 2020 from second high marsh site (Spartina patens/short Spartina alterniflora) Tall Tower off Nelson Island Creek, Rowley, Massachusetts Marsh 2022-02-24
PIE LTER extensometer measurements of marsh bank sediment deformation, soil creep in West Creek, Rowley, MA. Disturbance Marsh 2019-08-16
PIE LTER fish and crab trap data associated with marsh sites used in space for time sea level rise study, Rowley, MA. Population Dynamics Consumers, Long Term Experiments, Space for Time 2021-12-07
PIE LTER geographic information regarding vegetation transects set up at the Argilla Rd. Salt marsh restoration site in Ipswich and a reference marsh (Rough Meadows) in Rowley, Massachusetts. Population Dynamics Marsh, Long Term Experiments 2021-01-13
PIE LTER herbivory measurement associated with marsh sites used in space for time sea level rise study, Rowley, MA. Population Dynamics Consumers, Long Term Experiments, Space for Time 2022-01-05
PIE LTER high marsh sediment chemistry and activity measurements, Nelson Island Creek marsh, Rowley, MA Organic Matter Marsh 2018-01-30
PIE LTER Land Cover (2005), Plum Island Sound estuary, Massachusetts - Raster Disturbance GIS & Maps, Land Cover 2016-12-07
PIE LTER Land Cover (2013), Plum Island Sound estuary, Massachusetts - Raster Disturbance GIS & Maps, Land Cover 2016-12-07
PIE LTER location and sample dates for sites used in space for time sea level rise study, Rowley, MA. Population Dynamics Consumers, Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Space for Time 2019-08-29
PIE LTER locations of vegetation transects in Rowley salt marsh sites used for measuring long term changes. Primary Production, Organic Matter, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Marsh Detritus Removal 2021-03-04
PIE LTER marsh sediment porewater nutrient concentrations from Spartina sp. and Typha sp. sites along the Parker River and Rowley River, MA. Organic Matter, Inorganic Nutrients Marsh 2021-07-28
PIE LTER marsh vegetation species composition and elevation along nine transects in 2000 and 2001 Primary Production, Population Dynamics Marsh 2022-03-11
PIE LTER marsh vegetation species composition and elevation along nine transects in 2021 Primary Production, Population Dynamics Marsh 2022-03-11
PIE LTER marsh water table height, logging data from the Nelson Island Spartina marsh site for April-November 2019, Rowley, MA. Marsh 2021-07-28
PIE LTER marsh water table height, logging data from the Nelson Island Spartina marsh site, Rowley, MA for April-November 2018. Marsh 2019-08-14
PIE LTER marsh water table height, logging data from the Nelson Island Spartina marsh site, Rowley, MA for May-October 2017. Marsh 2019-08-14
PIE LTER marsh water table height, logging data from the railroad Spartina marsh site on the Parker River, Newbury, MA, for April-November 2016. Disturbance Marsh 2019-05-07
PIE LTER marsh water table height, logging data from the Typha marsh site on the upper Parker River, Newbury, MA, for April-November 2016. Disturbance Marsh 2019-05-07
PIE LTER measurements of the two tallest Phragmites australis stems per five meter interval along transects at the Argilla Rd. salt marsh restoration site (Ipswich, MA) and Rough Meadows reference marsh (Rowley, MA – Stackyard Road area). Primary Production Marsh, Long Term Experiments 2021-01-28
PIE LTER measurements of water column depth at 15 minute intervals in the Parker River near Rt 1A bridge, Newbury, MA, year 2000. Water depths are relative to the sonde pressure transducer and not associated with a datum. Disturbance Estuarine Physics 2019-04-23
PIE LTER measurements of water column depth at 15 minute intervals in the Parker River near Rt 1A bridge, Newbury, MA, year 2001. Water depths are relative to the sonde pressure transducer and not associated with a datum. Estuarine Physics 2019-04-23
PIE LTER measurements of water column depth at 15 minute intervals in the Parker River near Rt 1A bridge, Newbury, MA, year 2002. Water depths are relative to the sonde pressure transducer and not associated with a datum. Estuarine Physics 2019-04-23
PIE LTER Methane isotopes (13C and D) for methane in sediments and dissolved in surface water from four headwater streams in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Watersheds 2021-10-08
PIE LTER nutrient grab samples collected between December 1998 and July 2017 in the mainstem, tributaries, and headwater streams in the Ipswich and Parker River watersheds, Massachusetts. Inorganic Nutrients Watersheds 2020-05-15
PIE LTER nutrient samples collected by Sigma Autosampler between 2001 and 2019 in three headwater sites of contrasting land use, and at the Parker and Ipswich River Dams as they enter into the Plum Island Sound estuary, Massachusetts. Organic Matter, Inorganic Nutrients Watersheds 2021-07-27
