
Contributing drainage areas - Parker and Ipswich Watersheds - ASCII Raster File


This datalayer is a gridded data set of the contributing area to each grid cell for rivers in Plum Island Sound watershed. The resolution is 120 m x 120 m. This layer gives drainage area (km2) of each grid cell based on the flow directions in: WAT-RGIS-120m-FlowDirection.asc Provide the drainage area for each grid cell.

Data set ID: 



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Data sources: 



The cell areas of all grid cells that drain through each grid cell are accumulated. Based on flow directions in WAT-RGIS-120m-FlowDirection.asc

Process_Date: 2001-2003


Information relevant to the GIS data encoding

Upstream Area within watershedHorizontal Coordinate System Name:NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001

Datum: D North American 1983
Reference Ellipsoid: Name: GRS 1980 Semi Axis: 6378137.0
Meridian: Greenwich
Projection Name : Lambert Conformal Conic
Number of bands : 1
Raster Origin : Lower Left
Rows : 392
Columns : 467
Cell Geometry :pixel


Progress: Complete. Maintenance and Update Frequency: As needed. Edition: 1st

Metadata converted from MSWord documentation on 1.15.2013 by M. Hayn using "PIE_WordMetaConvert" package developed for conversion of data to EML 2.1.0 in R environment.


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