Data Catalog by Research Area

87 matching data sets (displaying 26 - 50)
Title of Dataset Core Areas PIE Research Areas Publication Date
Monthly small nekton samplings collected in the Plum Island Estuary in 1993 Population Dynamics Consumers 1995-01-01
Monthly small nekton samplings collected in the Plum Island Estuary in 1994 Population Dynamics Consumers 1996-01-01
Monthly small nekton samplings collected in the Plum Island Estuary in 1997 Population Dynamics Consumers 1999-01-01
Monthly small nekton samplings collected in the Plum Island Estuary in 1998 Population Dynamics Consumers 2000-01-01
Monthly small nekton samplings collected in the Plum Island Estuary in 1999 Population Dynamics Consumers 2001-01-01
Monthly small nekton samplings collected in the Plum Island Estuary in 2002 Population Dynamics Consumers 2004-01-01
Monthly small nekton samplings collected in the Plum Island Estuary, 2015 Population Dynamics Consumers 2016-01-01
Monthly small nekton samplings collected in the Plum Island Estuary, years 2012-2014 Population Dynamics Consumers 2015-01-01
Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) caloric value analysis from various collections along Rowley River tidal creeks associated with long term fertilization experiments, Rowley, MA. Disturbance, Population Dynamics Consumers, Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Tidal Creek Fertilization 2022-03-10
Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) gut content analysis from Breder trap transect collections in tidal creeks associated with long term fertilization experiments, Rowley, MA. Disturbance, Population Dynamics Consumers, Long Term Experiments, Tidal Creek Fertilization 2022-03-09
Nassarius obsoletus (Ilyanassa obsoleta) density measurements for Rowley River tidal creeks associated with long term fertilization experiments, Rowley and Ipswich, MA. Inorganic Nutrients, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Consumers, Long Term Experiments, Tidal Creek Fertilization 2021-10-07
Nassarius obsoletus (Ilyanassa obsoleta) length and biomass measurements for Rowley River tidal creeks associated with long term fertilization experiments, Rowley and Ipswich, MA. Inorganic Nutrients, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Consumers, Long Term Experiments, Tidal Creek Fertilization 2021-10-07
Nekton individual data from flume net collections along Rowley River tidal creeks associated with long term fertilization experiments, Rowley, MA. Inorganic Nutrients, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Consumers, Long Term Experiments, Tidal Creek Fertilization 2022-02-15
Nekton species counts and density from flume net collections along Rowley River tidal creeks associated with long term fertilization experiments, Rowley, MA. Inorganic Nutrients, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Consumers, Long Term Experiments, Tidal Creek Fertilization 2022-02-14
PIE LTER abundances of macroalgae and Ruppia maritima in six high marsh ponds, Rowley, MA, during the summer of 2016. Population Dynamics Marsh 2020-08-18
PIE LTER benthic microalgal biomass in fiddler-crab plots in a salt marsh of West Creek, Rowley, MA. Primary Production, Population Dynamics Consumers 2021-07-14
PIE LTER bird observations associated with marsh sites used in space for time sea level rise study, Rowley, MA. Population Dynamics Consumers, Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Space for Time 2019-08-29
PIE LTER fish and crab trap data associated with marsh sites used in space for time sea level rise study, Rowley, MA. Population Dynamics Consumers, Long Term Experiments, Space for Time 2021-12-07
PIE LTER geographic information regarding vegetation transects set up at the Argilla Rd. Salt marsh restoration site in Ipswich and a reference marsh (Rough Meadows) in Rowley, Massachusetts. Population Dynamics Marsh, Long Term Experiments 2021-01-13
PIE LTER herbivory measurement associated with marsh sites used in space for time sea level rise study, Rowley, MA. Population Dynamics Consumers, Long Term Experiments, Space for Time 2022-01-05
PIE LTER location and sample dates for sites used in space for time sea level rise study, Rowley, MA. Population Dynamics Consumers, Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Space for Time 2019-08-29
PIE LTER locations of vegetation transects in Rowley salt marsh sites used for measuring long term changes. Primary Production, Organic Matter, Disturbance, Population Dynamics Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Marsh Detritus Removal 2021-03-04
PIE LTER marsh vegetation species composition and elevation along nine transects in 2000 and 2001 Primary Production, Population Dynamics Marsh 2022-03-11
PIE LTER marsh vegetation species composition and elevation along nine transects in 2021 Primary Production, Population Dynamics Marsh 2022-03-11
PIE LTER plant biomass associated with marsh sites used in space for time sea level rise study, Rowley, MA. Primary Production, Population Dynamics Consumers, Marsh, Long Term Experiments, Space for Time 2020-02-04
